Gundecha Brothers
Umakant and Ramakant Gundecha, known as the Gundecha Brothers are the leading Dagarvani dhrupad singers, taught by Zia Fariduddin Dagar and Zia Mohiuddin Dagar. In fact, the Gundecha Brothers are now being regarded as a third force on par with the senior and junior Dagars. Keeping the Guru-Shishya parampara alive, the Gundecha brothers also run a music school in the Dhrupad tradition. The third brother, Akhilesh, is a Pakhawaj player, taught by Shri Shrikant Mishra and Shri Raja Chatrapati Singh of Bijna. He has accompanied many Dhrupad Maestros like Ustad Z.F.Dagar, Ustad Fahimuddin Dagar, Pt. Siyaram Tiwari, Shrimati Asgari Bai, Dr. Ritwik Sanyal and Bahauddin Dagar. He has also played solo recitals in the Tansen Festival-Gwalior, Haridas Sangeet Samaroh-Mumbai, Dhrupad Samaroh-Bhopal and many other festivals.