Bharatanatyam (Vol-2)

Bharatanatyam (Vol-2)

By Padma Subramaniam, Sudharani Raghupati, Chitra Visweswaran, S.Kanaka

Shiva Stuti
Meera Bhajan
Periazhwar Pasuram
Varuga Varuga
Andal Pasuram
Narayana Kavutvam
Shankari Sham Kuru

Bharatanatyam (Vol-2)

The ancient temple dance art of South India was offered in devotional ritual as a part of worship. It mapped the human heart through exploring the dynamics of vipralambha (separation from) and sambhoga (union) with the Divine. Falling into colonial disgrace under the British, the dance was revived in the 20th century and flowered into neo-classical splendour through generations of contemporary Indian dancers.

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