Aaj Aaye Shyam Mohan |
Radhika Krishna |
Pravisha Radhe |
Gayati Vanamali |
Saranam Bhava |
Hodi Nagari Mele Kaiyya |
Ee Pariya Sobagu |
Ramanchivarevarura |
Sriramyachittalankara |
Rama Ramayenarada |
Dandamupette |
Ottrumai Servadu |
Dr. M Balamurlikrishnan is a Carnatic vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and a playback singer. A poet, composer and commended by all Indian classical musicians for his knowledge of Carnatic Music.His versatility in all the fields of music, his miraculous voice, his unique way of rendering the compositions has helped him to touch the zenith in the Music world. He is renowned for his pioneering efforts to start the jugulbandi type of concerts. The compositions in this album are the real personification of superiority and brilliance.